Friday, February 27, 2009

Mississippi Tea Party

Bear and I met up with my husband today at noon on at the Mississippi capitol building. We took part in the nationwide tea party to protest Obama's stimulus package. We had a merry little band turn out. Below are some of the pictures I took today.

Thanks to Rick Santelli for getting angry and speaking up, and to Smart Girl Politics, Top Conservatives on Twitter and Michelle Malkin for organizing the events and spreading the news.

Bear's first political rally!! He was the only baby there and really got into it, hollering out a few chants of his own.


Anonymous said...

Love it...small but vocal! Gotta get more people moving and excited! The Tea Party will grow as more and more people get tired of their money going out the window!!!

No more bailout. No more pork. No more taxes!!!!!

marmie said...

Great pix. Baby Bear was a pro protester. Hope to see you all at the next Party.

Jacob said...

that's great. i love the "honk, if you are paying my mortgage"