My husband proposed to me on Memorial Day 2006 at a state park in the city where we live. I had no idea the proposal was coming on that day! First walked the trails through the park. Part of the trail passes by a river, and it was there that I stopped to take a photo very similar to this one. After our walk, we had a little picnic, and that was when he very nervously dropped to one knee and asked me to be his wife.
On Memorial Day 2007, we returned to the park. We'd been married a little over four months and had just weeks earlier learned we were expecting our first baby! We had our picnic (first, of course, because pregnant ladies are hungry all the time!) and then took our walk. That's when I snapped this photo, along the same trail we'd walked the year before, just minutes before we became engaged. We plan to return there this Memorial Day, with our picnic and our camera. But this time we'll have an even more precious piece of cargo with us: our sweet little boy.