This does.
YAY! I just started reading Stephenie Meyer's Twilight books in June, but I can see why fans have been impatiently waiting for this fourth book. These books are so much fun and so well-written. I highly recommend them!
I reserved a copy at Borders last month, so I'll be there to pick it up as soon as the store opens this morning! I guess I could've gone to the midnight release party, but I'm a girl who values her sleep. Today, Edward Cullen and Breaking Dawn make me HAPPY!
Hi Mississippi Mama! I was just over your way today! As a matter of fact, I was the third person through the door of B&N at the Renaissance this morning! People outside were talking about this book (apparently there was a book party last night...?). need to tell me more about it. I've been in a reading mood this summer, but I mostly prefer novels. What are these books and this author like? Thanks. -Louisiana Mama (aka. Laura)
Hi MS Mama! Just stumbled onto your blog and thought I would say Hi! I just started Twilight and can not wait to finish where I can read the others. I was raised in Northeastern MS. also. are ya a Rebel or a Bulldog fan? I myself am a Rebel. Stop by my blog if you would like. You are now in my favs. : )
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